Boot Düsseldorf present full electric RIB

Pulse58 officially launched at boot Dusseldorf yesterday, joint RS CEOs Alex Newton Southon and Jon Partridge spoke passionately about the vision for this project and what they had planned for the future.
“We are so proud and excited to have brought the first 100% fully-integrated electric production RIB to market, the response at the show has been overwhelmingly positive. We felt that it was time for change and to challenge habits, from the conversations we’ve been having around the Pulse58 its so apparent we’re not the only people that think it’s important,” said Alex Newton Southon.
During the launch Alex, RS Technical CEO, talked through the innovative technology used for the 100% electronic RIB and the hydrodynamic design. From initial design, manufacturing and distribution the Pulse58 has been packed full of sustainable credentials that compliment its zero emissions propulsion.
RS Electric launch the Pulse58 full electric RIB at Boot Düsseldorf – photo © RS Electric
It was clear that this is only the start for the sister brand of RS Sailing, with a Pulse42 currently in development and talk of a commercial workboat and superyacht tenders, it is clear that the electric is not just limited to the leisure and coaching market.
Alex went on to thank RAD Propulsion, Hyperdrive, Hypermotive, Jo Richards, Clive Johnson, Raymarine, Marine360 and Tree Aid for all their work in the project.
It was clear that the project meant a lot to the duo, Jon went on to close by saying, “RS was born 25 years a go with the dream of changing how people race and enjoy small boats, our motivations and dreams haven’t changed. With the Pulse58 we want people to enjoy the water in a completely new way – we want to reduce the amount of pollution in our waters and enjoy our playing field for a lot longer to come.” RS Electric launch the Pulse58 full electric RIB at Boot Düsseldorf © RS Electric
Alongside the launch, has gone live where you can find further information about the Pulse58, the technology behind it and ways to get in touch.
The Pulse58 has been the product of two years of development but this is just the beginning. It’s a game-changer that we believe the industry is ready for and excited about.
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by RS Electric