RYA welcomes the return to boating

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) warmly welcomes a return to the water following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday during which he stated that from this Wednesday, the Government wants to encourage people to take more and even unlimited amounts of outdoor exercise.
Since the lockdown commenced, the RYA has presented a strong case for boating to be one of the first activities that can be resumed safely within the parameters for social distancing.
From Wednesday, 13 May unlimited outdoor activity will be permitted in England, and we understand that this will include all forms of boating. The Prime Minister also indicated that people would be permitted to travel to other destinations in order to exercise. Any activity will still need to be alone or with members of a single household, and social distancing must be followed at all times.
In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the return to boating has not yet been confirmed. We will continue to work with our Home Country colleagues to monitor the situation and to lobby for a responsible and safe return for boaters in in all parts of the UK.
The RYA will review the Government guidance due to be published on Monday, 11 May. The guidance is expected to contain a level of detail that will enable to RYA to issue further advice and guidance for RYA Members, Affiliated Clubs and Training Centres before Wednesday, 13 May. Where there is any uncertainly within the guidelines we will seek urgent clarification.
Until we have seen the Government guidelines in detail, we cannot speculate on when Clubs and Training Centres will be able to reopen their doors. We look forward to seeing the further guidance within the Government’s three step plan.
We will continue to monitor the developing situation carefully and will keep our members, both individuals and affiliates alike, well-informed during these challenging times. Further COVID-19 advice for clubs, classes and training centres, as well as recreational boating in the UK and abroad, can be found on the RYA website.
by Loretta Spridgeon, RYA