45th Wooden Boat Festival

We are back and ready to celebrate Wooden Boats! 45th Wooden Boat Festival Sept 10-12, 2021.
The excitement is building… You can feel it in the air… The Wooden Boat Festival is coming… The Harbor is almost full, the presentations are lined up, plus a fun new layout.
Here’s a taste of what’s in store:
For the boat-lovers among us:
The Harbor is almost full! Several gorgeous new boats, many festival favorites, and even—gasp—Canadians! Check out the website—boats are being added daily.
For those new to boating and boat ownership:
Three days of presentations dedicated to helping kickstart your life afloat.
Wooden Boat Festival © Wooden Boat Festival
For adventurers and their entourages:
A whole new area of Festival with its own Adventure Stage showcasing daring endeavors great and small!
For makers, craftspeople, artisans, and the people who love them:
A whole area dedicated to fine woodworking, cool tools, crafts, and more!
For builders and aspiring shipwrights:
The Boatbuilding stage brought to you, once again, by the Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding.
For environmentalists and the eco-conscious:
A whole day of Green Boating includes presentations on a range of topics, from materials to systems and beyond, on the Explorer Stage.
For the music-lovers:
Music all day, every day at Bar Harbor—hear old favorites and new discoveries! And, new this year: Live music comes to Wee Nip!
For kids and families:
A redesigned and expanded KIDS COVE—paradise for kids at the Festival with activities including boatbuilding and fish-printing!
That is only the beginning of what we have for you this year! Our team is working round-the-clock to make this year’s Festival an incredible return to wooden boats, a return to one another, and a return to our community!
Tickets go on sale Aug 7th
Buy your tickets before August 21st, 2021, For early bird pricing and to be entered to win great prizes including 3 nights at the Swan Hotel for Wooden Boat Festival 2022!
Every type of boat, big and small, sail and power, row and paddle—here is just a taste. Check out website for more details about the boats and to see who else is coming!
by Northwest Maritime Center