Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race cancelled

The Queensland Cruising Yacht Club Inc. (QCYC), as the organizing authority for the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race, is releasing the following statement with respect to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
It is with regret that QCYC advises the 2020 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been cancelled. This is on account of the escalating nature of advisories and measures necessary to contain the pandemic in Australia and the need to be totally compliant with these.
We have taken what we believe is the most appropriate action in the interests of the competitor and public safety.
This difficult decision was not taken lightly, especially in view of the proud, unbroken yearly history of this race since 1949, a recognized supporting icon of Queensland.
However, the B2G Race Sailing Committee had to take into consideration our major obligation, not only to conduct a safe race for our sailing community, but our obligations to eliminate risk to the general public.
On behalf of the Sailing Committee of the QCYC, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all race entrants, sponsors, club officials, employees and volunteers for their incredible support and understanding during these difficult times. We trust that our actions, and those sacrifices made by other sporting organisations, will enable us all to look forward to a return to normal public health conditions as soon as possible.
QCYC looks forward to a steady return to normal life for the whole community over the months ahead and ultimately, we can all look forward to seeing the 2021 race return with the usual health, spirit of competitiveness and passion and public spectacle which it generates.
I have and will continue to be in direct communication with this year’s race entrants to advise or answer any specific questions or issues they may have.
We look forward to travelling to Gladstone on the 2nd of April 2021.
Karen Somerville
Race Director – QCYC
by Karen Somerville