Rolex Giraglia Race 2020

The 68th edition of this Mediterranean Classic is now open for entries and the notice of race is available online. From June 5-13 between St Tropez and Genoa.
Entry open for Rolex Giraglia Race 2020
As usual, the Rolex Giraglia week begins with the Sanremo-Saint Tropez race which will start at midnight on Friday, June 5. Three days of inshore racing at St Tropez from Sunday the 7th to Tuesday the 10th, Wednesday the 11 that midday start of the offshore race. Arrival in Genoa and, on Saturday 13th, official prize-giving ceremony for all races (Inshore e Offshore) and awarding of the Rolex and Challenge Trophies.
The boats
The Rolex Giraglia is open to all IRC/ORC/ORC Club certified yachts with an overall length of more than 9.14 m. The fleet will be subdivided into four main groups:
Group 0: boats of more than 18.05 m
Group A: (Classes 0 – 1- 2)
Group B: (Classes 3 and 4)
Club Swan One Design (36′ – 42′ – 50′)
The races in Saint Tropez
In addition to the Sanremo – Saint Tropez race, the traditional race of about 60 miles that is the Italy-France link, the week will see three days of coastal racing in St Tropez both on windward/leeward courses and coastal courses of no more than 35 miles for all groups.
The long race
The long race is sailed over a triangular course with the Giraglia islet as its southern apex. 241 nautical miles with the start at midday on June 11. There is a leg towards the offset mark the Formigue rocks, then a long leg south of about 120 miles towards Corsica and finally the return leg to Genoa of just under 100 miles. The whole race will be covered by online tracking with real and compensated time positions for all boats in the fleet.
To date the record for the race is 14 hours 59 minutes, clocked by the Maxi Esimit Europa 2 in 2012. The American maxi Rambler 88 failed to beat it by a whisker – less than an hour – last year. Since the long race in the Rolex Giraglia ended up in the sights of the great record hunters, every year is a crescendo in terms of quantity and, above all, quality of the boats hoping for line honours in this magnificent race.
The organisation
The regatta is organised by the Yacht Club Italiano under the aegis of the Federazione Italiana Vela, of the Fédération Francaise de Voile and in collaboration with:
- Société Nautique de Saint Tropez
- Yacht Club Sanremo
With the patronage of:
- Yacht Club de France
- Union Nationale pour la Course au Large
- The International Maxi Association
- Club Swan One Design
- City of Saint Tropez
- City of Sanremo
- Municipality of Genova
The Rolex Giraglia is valid for the Championnat Méditerranée IRC UNCL. IMA (International Maxi Association) is proud to include the Rolex Giraglia in its 2020 calendar. The Offshore race is part of the 2020 Mediterranean Maxi Offshore Challenge while the coastal races are part of the 2020 Mediterranean Maxi Inshore Challenge.
The coastal races of the Rolex Giraglia are part of The Nations League Mediterranean, the international circuit dedicated to the Swan One Design Class (ClubSwan 50′ – ClubSwan 42′ – ClubSwan 36′).
Eligible yachts must be entered solely online on by 11 PM of May 12, 2020, together with the entry fee and the Rating Certificate. All yachts whose entries (both for the Coastal Races and for theRolex Giraglia/Rolex Giraglia for 2) arrive and are completed (together with the entry fee) by March 29, 2020, will be guaranteed a free berth subject to availability in the Port of Saint Tropez and in the Marines de Cogolin.
The Rolex Giraglia, after a break in 2019 with the finish in Monaco, returns to its usual configuration with the finish of the offshore race at the headquarters of the Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa. Here, waiting for the finishers, there is a 24-hour welcome service with a restaurant and classic local products.
From 2020, in addition to the return of the X2s, with the Rolex Giraglia for two reaching its sixth edition, the Rolex Giraglia will also become Classic, with a special classification for yachts built before 1985 taking part in the offshore race. The winner in the Overall ranking, in the most numerous Class among IRC and ORC/ORC Club (Classics only) will be awarded the YCI Heritage Challenge Trophy. The first yacht in real-time will be awarded the Classic Trophy.
by Yacht Club Italiano