Transpac 2021

Interest is strong among participants, sponsors and members of the club to have no interruption this year in the 105-year history of this classic 2225-mile biennial ocean race from Los Angeles to Honolulu.
With a strong turnout of 58 entries to date, three start dates are still on schedule, with the first start planned for July 13, 2021.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for us in planning this 51st edition of the race,” said TPYC Commodore Jim Eddy, “particularly for shore side logistics and social events at both the start and finish venues. Nonetheless, we have been working through many scenarios with some expert help and feel confident about conducting this race safely.”
The expert help comes from consulting epidemiologist Sara Stone, MSc, who has been working closely with TPYC on devising specific relevant protocols that maintain safety and compliance to the current restrictions in place for California and Hawaii. She has compiled a detailed report that will be used as the basis for a COVID-19 webinar being planned for Transpac participants on Saturday, March 13th at 0900 PST.
All Transpac participants are urged to attend, and will be contacted on how to register for this important and informative briefing.
“Our current plans reflect our current circumstances,” said Commodore Eddy, “and these will no doubt evolve between now and July. Yet we recognize our race remains solidly attractive to our participants because it is a unique opportunity to get out sailing and have the rewarding experience of crossing the ocean and finishing off beautiful Diamond Head.”
For more information, visit
by Transpacific Yacht Club