Boat News Races & Regatta
America’s Cup- American Magic’s new AC75

Sharp eyed Wakatere Boating Club member Justin Mitchell caught American Magic putting their newly launched AC75 Patriot through its paces late Friday afternoon on its first test sail.
The breeze which had been light and ideal for a test sail but increased suddenly came up to 21kts, giving the AC75 a real workout on her first sail.
The flared bow which had attracted much comment at her launch really came into play, along with the full forward sections, saving the AC75 from a real disaster.
However in the words of the the classic AC mantra “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, the American Magic crew will have more confidence in their new AC75.
The antics are caused by issues – operator or mechanical in the foil control system – most likely in this case by an issue with the rudder wing being at the wrong angle and launching the AC75.
by Richard Gladwell Sail-World NZ