Burnham Week 2020

Burnham Week Ltd (BWL), the organisers of Burnham Week confirms plans are still in place to run Burnham Week 2020 at the end of August (29 August-5 September).
However, the committee does stress that as a result of the ongoing national and global measures being taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, it will continue to monitor the situation and make a final decision on whether Burnham Week 2020 should go ahead, later in the year.
Now however, with nearly four months before the start of the event, this could be a good time to enjoy planning a return to sailing. As well as the competitive nature of this iconic family regatta, Burnham Week also has a fun social reputation, which hopefully this year in particular, will offer the perfect opportunity to kick start new beginnings after the hugely challenging year.
Commenting on forthcoming plans, Edwin Buckley – PRO – said while he is under no illusions about the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects it may lead to, he is keen to keep Burnham Week 2020 plans moving forward as much as possible: “If we do find ourselves in the situation where there is a possibility of the 2020 event going ahead, we already have plans in place to make it happen.
“Burnham Week Ltd has regular virtual meetings, and all our volunteers have years of experience in the running of the event, so it is business as usual for us. Given the current situation we are opening the website for entries on 18 July so, my message to anyone looking for a late season fun time on the water with family and friends, is to keep an eye on the website. In the event of having to cancel the regatta, I can confirm all entry fees will be refunded.”
To find out more information about the regatta, including how to enter, go to www.burnhamweek.com. Here you’ll also find the Notice of Race and details about the Town Cup – Burnham Week’s signature event – which takes place on the final Saturday of the regatta.
In the meantime, it is important to stay safe and imperative to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 infection by following the government health directives – Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.
by Sue Pelling